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4 Types Of Evidence Commonly Used In Personal Injury Cases

Are you trying to win a personal injury case? As with any other type of trial, the more evidence you have on your side, the better. There are many forms of evidence that can be used during a personal injury trial, and it's in your best interest to collect this evidence as soon as possible following the injury.

1. Medical Documentation

Medical documentation isn't just used to show that you were injured but also to determine the extent of your injuries and, as a consequence, the extent of your damages. Collect as much medical documentation as you possibly can and always go to the doctor to document any issues that crop up. It is not only your primary injury that should be covered by a personal injury case; secondary medical problems that arise due to the personal injury should also be properly documented.

2. Eyewitness Accounts

There are often witnesses to an injury that may be asked to give statements regarding what they thought happened. The problem, naturally, is that witnesses can get confused or they may not be able to remember what actually occurred. It's a good idea for you to have your own witnesses; if you know someone who witnessed the event, asking them to make an honest statement could help you. 

3. Photos and Videos

Photos and videos can be incredibly important -- they are often far more important than eyewitness accounts. Studies have shown that eyewitnesses tend to be easily misled or simply forget what happened at all, and this could leave you in a "he said she said" situation against someone who isn't malicious but simply remembers things differently. Photos and videos, however, don't lie. When you get injured, taking as many photos and videos as possible is critical. Dash cams can also help in motor vehicle accidents.

4. Financial Records

When seeking damages, it's often necessary to show the true extent of monetary damage. This can sometimes include financial records. It's a good idea for you to track all of your expenses related to your injuries, which can include associated costs such as travel costs to the health clinic that you were getting treatment at.

Overall, it's a good idea for you to document absolutely everything that happens following your injury. Your personal injury lawyer will be able to give you more specific information as to the evidence that you should collect. If you don't have an attorney, you should get one as soon as possible. Talk with a lawyer like Robert M Kaner Attorney for more information. 
