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Tips That Motorcycle Accident Attorneys In Florida Wish Young Drivers And Their Parents Knew

If your son or daughter is under the age of 21 and wants to ride a motorcycle in Florida, it is important to know that many of the practices he or she regularly engages in could be illegal when they are on a motorbike. For instance, you may be surprised to learn that Florida state law prohibits the use of ear buds or headphones, except for communication, by persons operating a motorcycle. In addition, if your young driver is petite or has not yet hit a big growth spurt, it is important to note that the handlebars of the vehicle must be lower than the top of his or her shoulders. Unfortunately, if the young driver in your family fails to comply with the current requirements in Florida and is involved in a motorcycle accident, the results could be dire. Therefore, the following information will be quite useful.

Never Use Headphones For Entertainment While On A Motorcycle

If it seems as if you cannot pry earbuds or headphones away from your son or daughter for more than two minutes, it is crucial for them to become aware of how dangerous it can be to use them while cruising the open road. Specifically, the Centers for Disease Control recently announced that distracted driving results in more than eight deaths each day and more than 1,100 injuries each day in the United States. Since headphones could require frequent manipulation and adjustments, they could easily distract drivers.

However, since all motorcycle riders under the age of 21 are required to wear helmets in Florida, one possible alternative to headphones and earbuds is the use of helmet speakers.

Modify The Handlebars on Motorcycles For Petite Drivers

If the young driver you are responsible for is not very tall yet, it is a good idea to take the time to shop for the right motorcycle. As mentioned previously, the handlebars must not be any taller than his or her shoulders. One of the reasons for that law may relate to the safety of the person using the motorcycle, as visibility and ease of use could be compromised as a result of handlebars that are too high.

However, if you already have the motorcycle and the young person who wants to drive it is not yet at an acceptable height to do so, you may be able to replace the existing handlebars with a smaller model. Before doing so, you should check to see that the bike itself can be safely handled and driven by a smaller driver.

In conclusion, if your son or daughter wants to ride a motorcycle, it is a good idea to consider the information above so that he or she is physically and legally protected in the event of an accident


