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5 Things You Should Avoid Doing After Being In A Car Accident

The steps you take after being involved in a car accident can have a huge impact on your ability to collect compensation for the damage to your vehicle and any injuries that you may have suffered. While some steps that you take can help to improve your ability to collect compensation, others can actually make it far more difficult to get the compensation you are entitled to. Continue reading to learn more about five of the things you should avoid doing after being involved in a car accident.

#1: Avoid Minimizing The Incident

It is quite common for people to try and minimize the incident at the accident scene. This can be done by choosing to forego calling law enforcement, choosing not to take an ambulance to the hospital, or making statements regarding a lack of injuries before being thoroughly examined by a doctor. All of these actions can have a negative impact on your ability to collect compensation for your injuries and should be avoided. 

#2: Avoid Making Statements 

Another common mistake that people make is to provide the insurance company or law enforcement with too much information. While it is a good idea to be cooperative, you do not want to offer up information that could potentially harm your case for compensation. In order to ensure your best interest is protected, you should always avoid making statements until after you have talked to a car accident lawyer

#3: Avoid Talking About Settlement

If the insurance company knows that you are looking for a quick settlement, they will do their best to capitalize on this. Since quick settlements are often much lower than the amount you are truly entitled to, it is best to avoid even talking about settlement numbers until you have a much clearer idea of what your case is worth. The best way to establish this is by contacting a car accident lawyer and requesting a free consultation.

#4: Avoid Rushing The Healing Process

While it is understandable that you want to get back to life as usual as quickly as possible after an accident, rushing the healing process can have a negative impact on both your health and your ability to collect fair compensation. This is because returning to regular activities before your body is truly ready can ultimately slow the healing process. This quick return to life as usual can also muddy the waters when it comes to proving that your injuries are the result of the accident.

#5: Avoid Waiting Too Long To Seek Counsel

While you may be unsure at first whether or not you need to hire a car accident lawyer to represent you, waiting too long to seek out these legal services can also be problematic. This is because the law limits how long you have to seek compensation for your injuries. If you wait too long to contact an attorney regarding your case, you may find that there is not enough time left for a lawyer to effectively negotiate a settlement on your behalf.
