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Diabetes Might Qualify You For SSDI Benefits

Diabetes is a widespread disorder and those who suffer from it will often suffer from several additional health disorders alongside diabetes. If you have diabetes, you might be unable to properly use your hands and feet because you might have decreased sensations. You are also more likely to suffer from a heart attack or stroke, which can be very debilitating. 

How Diabetes Can Affect Your Life

Diabetes symptoms can vary in terms of their seriousness. Therefore, if you have diabetes, you must prove that your diabetes is so severe that they prevent you from working. To determine whether you can work, your age and level of education will also be taken into consideration.

Requirements You Must Meet to Qualify

To make sure that you are not able to work, the SSA will go over your medical history to determine if your medical records support your assertion that you are not able to work. They will need medical tests, your doctor's opinion, and the opinions of witnesses and possibly your former employer.

Qualifying Conditions

The SSA has a list of impairments that will allow you to be qualified for SSDI benefits. However, diabetes is not listed as one of the impairments. Still, the complications that can arise from diabetes, such as heart disease, can qualify you for SSDI benefits.

There are various conditions that might qualify you for SSDI benefits such as:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Poor healing skin
  • The amputation of a limb

Then you will need to look at how this condition limits your ability to work.

Types of Work Limitations

You might be physically unable to work. For example, you might be so injured that you are bedridden. Or, you might not be able to meet the physical demands of the jobs you would normally work. It might also not be safe for you to work. For example, working might lead to another heart attack.

Diabetes can also affect your ability to focus for long periods of time. If the SSA agrees that you should be unable to focus on your work, they might agree to qualify you for SSDI benefits. Diabetes can even lead to emotional problems that can cause you to struggle to work.

However, if your SSDI benefits are denied for any reason, you will need to consult with a disability attorney about the next best steps to take. You will be file several rounds of appeals and your disability attorney will represent you during your hearing. To learn more information about social security, reach out to a company such as The Law Office of Burke Barclay
