Tips That Can Help If You Are Pulled Over After Drinking
Getting pulled over by the police after leaving a bar can cause a person to panic. Even if you only had one beer and you know you are not drunk, you'll still likely have some butterflies in your stomach as the police officer walks up to the car. It's important to keep a clear head in this situation while being respectful of the police officer if you want to get through the traffic stop without any issues.
Tips to Help You Prepare for Your Family Court Hearing
Family court proceedings can be essential for ensuring that serious disputes are addressed in a legally binding and professional way. However, these proceedings can be extremely stressful events for individuals to go through. If you are preparing for your first family court hearing, there are some tips that will help you to better handle the situation.
Schedule a Preparation Meeting With Your Lawyer
If you have never been through family court proceedings, you are unlikely to know what to expect from these hearings.
Why You Must Never Admit Fault After An Accident
After a car accident, there are many things you need to focus on to make sure that you can avoid reducing the potential payout that you would receive. One thing you need to worry about is anything you could say that could affect the payout you receive. It is especially easy to make this mistake when you have a smartphone and are tempted to post a message about what has happened on social media or message a friend.
Tips That Motorcycle Accident Attorneys In Florida Wish Young Drivers And Their Parents Knew
If your son or daughter is under the age of 21 and wants to ride a motorcycle in Florida, it is important to know that many of the practices he or she regularly engages in could be illegal when they are on a motorbike. For instance, you may be surprised to learn that Florida state law prohibits the use of ear buds or headphones, except for communication, by persons operating a motorcycle.
3 Signs That You Need Family Business Mediation
Running a family business can be very challenging, but it can also be highly rewarding. To make things go as smoothly as possible, however, it's best to get a little bit of outside help sometimes. Luckily, family business mediation can help. These are three signs that you and your family might need one of these mediators.
1. Your Family Dynamic is Changing
If your family dynamic is changing, then it could affect the way that your business is operated.
Prevent Car Accidents With These Tips For Driving In Foggy Conditions
According to AAA's 2014 Fog and Crashes Report, fog and smoke account for one-in-five fatal multi-car pileup accidents. If you live in an area that has fog issues, whether it is in the early morning or just in general, it is important to know how to properly drive to ensure your safety.
Properly using your vehicle's lights can potentially save your life in the event of heavy fog. It is imperative that you use low and not high beam headlights.
Health Condition Makes You Appear Drunk? Let A DUI Lawyer Know Immediately With This App
If you suffer from an illness or condition that makes you appear intoxicated, you need to protect your rights now. Law enforcement can pull you over if they suspect that you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Not only do you suffer the humiliation of being stopped, you can even spend time in jail until your name's cleared of the charges. There are a new app on the market that helps you overcome unnecessary DUI charges.
Situations When The Injury Did Not Occur At Work But You Deserve Worker's Compensation
If you have been injured and think it could somehow be related to work, you should consult with a workers compensation lawyer. Just because the accident did not happen while physically at the work property does not mean that it is not work related. If you are performing any task for your employer, you are covered by worker's compensation insurance.
To get a better understanding of off-site injuries that deserve compensation, here are a few examples:
The 2 Reasons You Need A Child Custody Attorney
When it comes to the future of your children, from where they will stay during holidays to the schools they attend, you know that there is nothing you wouldn't do to give them a better life. Unfortunately, this can be a tricky sentiment to actually prove in court during child custody hearings, which is why is it's imperative that you enlist the assistance of a child custody attorney like those at the Nelson Law Group PC to help you through such difficult times.
Why You Should Not File For Social Security On Your Own
If you have found yourself disabled to the point that you are unable to work in order to support yourself, you might find yourself interested in filing for social security disability. You might even think that this is something that you are going to be able to do on your own. While it is true that there is a lot that you can do on your own and that you are not required to hire a lawyer, it is something worth checking into.