How To Handle Difficult-To-Value Assets In Divorce

One of the most common bones of contention in divorce law is trying to achieve equity in the division of assets. This can be especially hard if some of the assets are from classes that make it difficult for people to produce valuations. It's simple to assess the worth of a bank account, for example. What is the present value of a painting, though, especially if it has recently been up for sale? [Read More]

Three Reasons You Need A Trucking Accident Lawyer If Your Have Been In An Injury Accident With A Semi-Truck

If you've been injured in a traffic accident with a semi-truck, you will need to hire a personal injury attorney. But you should seek out one who has experience with accidents involving semi-trucks. The following are a few reasons for this. These accidents can be unique Unlike an accident with another car, those involving semi-trucks can have unique circumstances. The drivers are perched high above the cars on the road, and they are not always aware of them, even when they are in plain sight, without the use of mirrors. [Read More]

3 Things A Real Estate Attorney Will Do When Buying A Home

In the process of buying a home and told that you need to find a real estate attorney? They provide a crucial service in the home buying process that will ensure that everything goes smoothly. Here are some of the things that they will do for you. Reviewing Initial Contracts The very first thing that you are going to need help with is reviewing the initial contract between you and the seller. [Read More]

Why Divorcing As A Senior Can Be More Tricky

If you are a senior and are filing for divorce, you may find it more difficult to file for divorce because there are additional obstacles you might encounter that you wouldn't face if you were younger. For this reason, you may need a family law attorney when making this decision.  Financial Difficulties Those who are going through a divorce can find that retirement is more expensive. You may find yourself with more debts and you may not have enough time to pay them off. [Read More]