Steps To Take After A Motorcycle Accident

Being involved in a motorcycle accident is stressful, but it helps to know what steps to take in order to resolve the issue. Here are some of the important things to do. Figure Out Who Was at Fault It may be clear who was at fault in the motorcycle accident—you or the other driver. That's great when it happens and both people are in agreement. But if you aren't sure, talk through the accident and try to come to a consensus. [Read More]

Tips to Help You Prepare for Your Family Court Hearing

Family court proceedings can be essential for ensuring that serious disputes are addressed in a legally binding and professional way. However, these proceedings can be extremely stressful events for individuals to go through. If you are preparing for your first family court hearing, there are some tips that will help you to better handle the situation. Schedule a Preparation Meeting With Your Lawyer If you have never been through family court proceedings, you are unlikely to know what to expect from these hearings. [Read More]

Why You Must Never Admit Fault After An Accident

After a car accident, there are many things you need to focus on to make sure that you can avoid reducing the potential payout that you would receive. One thing you need to worry about is anything you could say that could affect the payout you receive. It is especially easy to make this mistake when you have a smartphone and are tempted to post a message about what has happened on social media or message a friend. [Read More]

Could Cuts Be Coming To Your Social Security Disability Benefits?

Whether you've been receiving federal disability benefits for years or have only recently applied for Social Security Disability (SSD) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits after becoming too disabled to work, you may have been concerned about recent reports that an across-the-board benefits cut of as much as 20 percent could be coming. While the 2016 budget deal has kicked this can down the road for the time being, there are still some issues with an imbalance between the revenues and expenditures of the Social Security Disability Insurance Trust Fund that could impact your future benefits. [Read More]