2 Things You Can Do To Help Yourself If You Get Pulled Over For DUI

Getting pulled over for a DUI can be very frustrating, especially if you feel that you weren't driving under the influence. If you haven't been drinking but still may have some impairment due to things like legally prescribed medication, there are things that you are going to want to do to help yourself.  Have a Doctor's Note If you have been prescribed medicine and you were using it as directed, you may want to have a doctor's note that states that you are taking that medication, what your condition is, and why you need it. [Read More]

Get Into An Accident With A Commercial Truck? How To Determine Liability For Brake Or Tire Failures

When involved in an accident with a commercial truck on the road, know that it is possible to sue the parties responsible for the accident for damages. Part of receiving compensation will be determining who is liable, especially in cases where the was a brake or tire failure. Failing To Do A Pre-Trip Inspection Before commercial trucks hit the road for any sort of work-related travel, there will be a tire inspection to ensure that everything is in working order. [Read More]

Facing Contempt Charges? Understand The Difference Between Civil And Criminal Contempt In Practical Terms

Many people don't realize that there are two types of contempt of court charges—civil and criminal. Learn more about the difference between the two and what can actually happen if you are charged. The Purpose Of Civil Contempt Charges The purpose of a civil contempt charge is coercion. It's generally used as a tool to get a legal issue that's stalled back in motion. The court levels the contempt charge as a way to pressure the individual into doing what it wants—essentially putting the individual in charge of his or her own sentence. [Read More]

Opioid Addiction And Death: Courts And States Get Tough With Doctors And Health Care Providers

When it comes to finding someone society can blame for increasing painkiller addictions and overdose-related deaths, there's plenty of liability to go around. A study in 2012 found that 60% of all opiate-caused deaths occurred among people who were prescribed the painkillers according to approved medical standards and used their pills exactly as directed. The remaining 40% of deaths occurred among patients who doctor-shopped for multiple prescriptions or bought their pills on the street. [Read More]