6 Times When Filing A Motion Is A Good Idea During Divorce Proceedings

Divorce proceedings can be tough to go through, and there may be a time where you need to file a motion. This is when your divorce attorney brings an issue to the judge so that it can be dealt with properly. Here are 6 situations where a motion should be filed. Before Court Proceedings Begins Requesting Temporary Support If you were not the primary income earner between you and your spouse, you may be having financial issues while divorce proceedings are happening. [Read More]

Health Condition Makes You Appear Drunk? Let A DUI Lawyer Know Immediately With This App

If you suffer from an illness or condition that makes you appear intoxicated, you need to protect your rights now. Law enforcement can pull you over if they suspect that you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Not only do you suffer the humiliation of being stopped, you can even spend time in jail until your name's cleared of the charges. There are a new app on the market that helps you overcome unnecessary DUI charges. [Read More]

3 Reasons Lawyers Cannot Guarantee The Outcome Of A Lawsuit

If you are filing a lawsuit for the first time, you may have high hopes about the outcome. As you search for an attorney like Paul F Guthrie, you should be aware of the following facts. There is no way that an attorney can confidently know if they will win a lawsuit or not. Instead, they do their best to advocate for their client, but they cannot determine if you will win or not. [Read More]

4 Tips For Getting Started On Your Estate Planning

When you decide that you have a need to begin estate planning, you want to be sure that you have an estate planning attorney by your side. From here, you can begin your estate planning, which will consist of putting some documents together as well as making some really important decisions. Here are four tips that can help you get started on this: Put Together a List of Assets: Putting together a list of your assets, as well as liabilities, is going to help your attorney determine whether or not you have a taxable estate. [Read More]