Protecting Yourself While Traveling For Business: Are Injuries & Illnesses Work-Related Or Not?

Worker's compensation covers injuries and illnesses that occur while in the workplace, but what if an individual's workplace is anywhere their boss sends them on business trips? According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, employees need to be actively engaged in work-related activities in order to qualify for worker's compensation while on business trips. Here's what you need to know about worker's compensation if you travel for business.  Document Everything in Your Schedule [Read More]

Defending Yourself In A Drag Racing Auto Accident Case

Racing with your buddies on what appears to be empty roads may seem like fun, but it can be dangerous or even deadly if somebody happens to get in the way. As a result, it is critical to understand this type of case, how it can affect you, and defenses you can raise to prevent serious financial loss. Here are some things to consider as you talk to your auto accident lawyer. [Read More]

Know The Steps: Where Are You On The Workers' Comp Ladder?

When you get injured at work, there are few benefits more valuable than that provided by the workers' comp coverage. There are several different benefits available, but what you get is connected to your medical condition. Exactly what you can expect depends on where you are on the ladder of benefits, so read on to learn more about what to expect. Medical Care This is one area that remains constant throughout your recovery period and can continue even if your injury is permanent. [Read More]

Ready To Put A Deposit Down To Build A New Home? Get A Lawyer First

If you are ready to break ground on a new house with a local builder, but you are getting to the point that you need to sign contracts and you don't have a lot of information about the contracts that you need to sign, there are some things that you want to take into consideration, and you want a lawyer. Have a construction lawyer help you through the building process, to make sure that you understand the terms of the contract and what the builder is liable for. [Read More]