Prevent Car Accidents With These Tips For Driving In Foggy Conditions

According to AAA's 2014 Fog and Crashes Report, fog and smoke account for one-in-five fatal multi-car pileup accidents. If you live in an area that has fog issues, whether it is in the early morning or just in general, it is important to know how to properly drive to ensure your safety. Lights Properly using your vehicle's lights can potentially save your life in the event of heavy fog. It is imperative that you use low and not high beam headlights. [Read More]

Surprising Things May Lead To Alimony Modification

Cohabitation, remarriage, and changes in earnings are some of the most common reasons for modifying alimony. However, there are things people don't usually think about, but these things can also lead to alimony modifications. Here are a few examples of such factors: Financial Emergency Either you or your former spouse has the right to request a modification if you suffer a financial emergency. For example, you may run into a financial emergency if you get injured in an accident and your insurance doesn't cover all the costs. [Read More]

Stuck Between Disputing Parties Who Want What You're Holding? Consider An Interpleader Action

What happens when your business is holding onto money or goods and two different people lay claim to it? If you surrender whatever it is to either person, you run the risk of having to defend yourself in a lawsuit. If you keep holding onto it, you'll probably eventually get sued by both as they try to force you to turn it over. To avoid ending up in the middle of a legal quagmire, the best thing to do is to file an interpleader action with the court. [Read More]

Dealing With A Denial In Pain? The System Can Be Overcome

Dealing with the Department of Veterans Affairs can be difficult when it comes to disability claims. The requirements for receiving disability under the the VA program can be strict, and even a legitimate disability may face denial if your paperwork isn't in order. Unfortunately, some pains and disabling conditions can become worse (or at least seem worse) if you're waiting on appeals, and increased distress can make the claims process even harder. [Read More]