Settling Your Divorce: Equitable Property Distribution Vs. Community Property

Depending on the state in which you live, the assets you and your spouse own will be divided up in one of two ways. In equitable property states, your assets and debts are divided up into what is deemed fair for each person. In community property states, everything you own is divided in half for each party. What you end up settling for in a divorce can depend on a number of factors in an equitable property state, while community property is simply divided equally. [Read More]

3 Ways Injury Lawyers "Build Up" And Support Settlements

Are you looking at bringing a personal injury case in your state of residence, or securing the services of a personal injury attorney? Here are some key ways that attorneys work with defendants to protect their client's interests and get injury victims a better chance at reasonable compensation.     Dealing with "Piling on Fault" Regardless of the negligence or faults laws a particular state has, a defendant may try to suggest that the plaintiff was partially or totally at fault in an accident, to eliminate or reduce their legal liability. [Read More]

Medical Conditions That Can Impact Your Blood Alcohol Level

Whenever you decide to drink, it's important to drink responsibly. If you don't have a designated driver, you may choose to limit your alcohol intake to one or two drinks. In some cases, however, even one drink can cause your blood alcohol level to rise above the minimum legal limit. Certain medical conditions can make driving after drinking any alcohol dangerous. Here are three medical conditions you need to know about before you have a glass of wine with dinner or a drink with friends. [Read More]

Three Keys For Tax Obligations Of The Self-Employed

When you are a freelance professional, it is completely up to you to get a grip on your taxes. For that reason, you need to be proactive about how you handle these obligations. There are a number of factors that you need to keep in mind so that your taxes are properly handled and on your terms. Read the guidelines below and use them so that you can file your taxes and keep your self employed business in order. [Read More]